Schoolwide is much more than a website for your school. Way beyond simply providing information about your school, Schoolwide provides information to your student's parents about what - and how - their children are doing in your school.

Schoolwide makes lesson planning, grading, and especially report card time a much more organized, efficient and enjoyable process for your teachers, by providing an online lesson planning and gradebook website for every teacher.

Schoolwide makes life better for administrators, too, by organizing the school grading and lesson planning information into a single, cohesive website with full administrative oversight.

Schoolwide helps fund your school, too, by providing an online shop suitable for selling school uniforms or other fundraising items.

Schoolwide has been under development and testing for over four years. It is already in use by several private and charter schools, and is now available for your school in the form of a single, affordable, fairly priced package that includes a complete school website.

What's included? >
